Sunday, April 15, 2007

She's Alive Behind That Redwood Curtain

More posts and knitting info was/is my New Year's resolution. This should count for something albeit, I did just come up with it and we are now in April. Call me a late bloomer.

Things with Q are good, school hates me, my job is great and the fact that I have loads of time to knit makes up for the decreased wages. Speaking of knitting, I have a butt-load of projects on the burner. I'm ramping up for the County Fair in August. I have just completed my last contract knitting job of the season and now will only be knitting for the fair, all the time.

That being said, I just finished Bauble from knitty . This project is almost like instant gratification. The knitting takes no time at all. I think it took about 2 hours, maybe 3 hours, to string on all the bead and crystals. Oooh, aaaah! Look how sparkley the Swarovski crystals are. I found that the 3 1/2 yards of beaded string is too long. Garter st. as most of us know scrunches up but stretches out like nobody's business. Anyways, it helps to have extra beaded length for knitting just so your hands have something to hang onto. I knit this up once and ripped it out when I realized provisional cast-on would work better for grafting. Overall, I like this project and if you want a quick fix, this is a great bet.

Lily cat is snotty as always. Q and I were trying to get her attention the other day to give her love. She completely ignored us. What is wrong with cats like her that snub you when you want to pay attention to them, but at 4am, when all you want to do is sleep, all they do is screw with you and get hair up your nose?
Here she is in all her "fat cat" splendor.


Anonymous said...

fun, beautiful work! miss lily is one lucky kitty! Love, mom

BellaKarma said...

Tosh! You're back! Yay! Missed seeing your beautiful face and creations! :)