Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Crisis Update: Catostrophe Averted

I was about to start freaking out because I couldn't find my camera. But, I was good in waiting to freak out, since, I finally found it.

Bobblicious from Knitty is finished. If you click to make the picture bigger, you can see that I modified it by kniting the upper arm in a 1x1 rib pattern. Other modifications: added 1 st and knit it in the round. You need the extra stitch to make the bobbles work out nicely. When you get the part where it is supposed to open for your shoulders, you just start knitting back and forth, knitting and purling, instead of in the round. When you reach the other arm, start back again in the round. I have worn it out twice already and have received oodles of compliments. I recommend making it.

I have turned the heel on Embossed Leaves. I was talking and watching a movie when I started back in on the lace portion so I need to frog a couple of rows because it would seem as though I have one stitch too many. Shit. Also, I think I would do these, and any socks in the future, as toe up. What was I thinking?

Last Wednesday I got out of school early because my soil physics lab got cancelled. So, I figured I'd go knit at MLYS for a couple of hours, and then go study for my wetland soils quiz and soil physics exam that I had coming up the following day. I get to the shop and say hello to Janice. She says to me,"Are you ready for tonight?" And I'm looking at her like she's a crack smoker and say,"What's tonight?" To which she replied,"Your changing colors class is tonight." SHIT. So I tell her I'll see her later and go home to learn how to knit intarsia the "right" way. Here you can see the swatch I knit up. The students in class were very excited when they started to see the pattern in their knitting. Yeah! I don't have pics of them because of the whole, freaking out (almost) because I couldn't find my camera thingy.

Here is my progress thus far on the Soulard Market Bag from Kricket Knits. I love the way it is going. Fuscia Lambs Pride and Color #17 Noro Big Kureyon, way coolio. I'm going to pick out the Cascade for the strap today.

The last bit in knitting news is that I'm going to make a purse called Mai Tai by AnastasiaKnits. It is a pattern that we got from the TNNA trade show and I'll teach it for next month's cable class. I am making out of a merino/silk combo by Himalaya Yarn Company. Tonight I have a cable class and the scarf we will be working on is pictured here on the left.

In other news, I cannot stand my wildland soils teacher. This morning I show up for class and she spends 7 minutes talking about a field trip we have tomorrow. Then, she lectures until 8:30am. Why is she able to zip through so quickly? Because she reads off the damn Power Point! And, she again forgot to bring a dry erase marker. I felt jipped this morning; class goes until 8:50am. I can only be consoled in the fact that I know the department isn't going to hire her on. She doesn't teach soil fertility so she's outta luck.

Send any and all good vibes my direction please. Thursday night I am in the finals for the karaoke contest SPECTACULAR at Blue Lake Casino. I hope they pick me; I'll be sad if they don't. And, unfortunately there will be no pictures of the event because they don't let you take pictures inside the casino. Bastards!

Ciao for now.

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