Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Shopping Emergency

This morning I go out to my car and the window is frosted over. Shit. It is now so cold that the window is frozen. The only good thing is that my new scarf out of the Cirvinia Fiamma Yarn is finished. It is soooo cozy warm around my neck. Picture later.

Can hardly wait for my class to get out so I can (1) go vote down all those stupid Aah- nold (imagine Austrian accent) propositions, (2)take Lupine out to the park on the first sunny day since I can't remember when, and (3) go to MLYS to pick up the other skein of the Moda Dea that I need to finish the "Hooray For Me" gloves.

If you live in California, are reading this, and have yet to vote today...let me say something that could make your life easier. Vote NO on any proposition starting with the number 7. The one proposition to vote yes on is prop. 80, reregulating the utilities since California voters made an egregious error when they deregulated it a few years back. Here is your chance to right the wrongs. A fresh start, and not too long after Yom Kippur, how appropriate.

In other news there was recently a win for women in the California legislature. And, big surprise, it made it past the governator's veto pen. Check out the story.

1 comment:

hokeypokey7 said...

read your email chula -- there's an urgent one from me...really. love