Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Stitch & Bitch On The North Coast

Yesterday was my first time at the Stitch & Bitch here at my local yarn shop, Handmade Memories. This is the owner Janice. She was starting on a London Beenie with some new yarn she had just gotten into the store (I don't remember what kind of yarn, just some kinda yarn.)

I was working on Buttonhole Bag 2. It has like a bazzillion mistakes beautiful embellishments that make it a one of a kind work of art. What turned out to be kind of cool about one of the embellishments is that, due to the flipping inside out so that the bottom has purls around the bottom, the bag seems to sit better, even unfelted. I think when I make this bag again I will purl for all of the increase rows so that it sits better. The other cool thing is, if you check out the picture of me in the shop you'll see a cooler than skein skein in front of me. Well, that is because Janice has one of those cool roll-your-hank-of-yarn-spinner-thingies that only takes like 2 minutes. I was glad I had the foresight to bring all three of my hanks of yarn; they are all ready for knitting.

This is a finished picture of the second buttonhole bag all finished, minus felting.

Becky was working on a dishcloth while her mom (I so wish I could remember her name, maybe Fran) was working on the mate to the sock you see on Becky's foot. The pair got finished about a half an hour before the S & B finished; here you can see the socks on Becky's mom's feet.

There were two other nice women at the S & B, Colleen and Teri. This picture on the right is of Teri. She made the little faux pot you see on the table there. It is some technique (not knitting) that uses wool to make stuff and things. She went to the Fiber Fair in Redway this past weekend and took a little seminar on the technique. When I figure out the name of the technique, I'll let you know.

Overall, the S & B was good fun, and I got some knitting done. The only bad part is that since it is a social thing, I get a little carried away with embellishments in my project. See you at next months S & B!

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